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Physical, Spiritual
& Emotional Wellness
The concept of Body – Mind & Mind – Body is the basis for all kinds of growth, irrespective of health or illness. On a case-to-case basis, one has to treat the counter operating factor in the body or mind or both in order to overcome any illness irrespective of the Body or mind.
Explore Our Services
These are the condition specific treatment programs that are a combination of Ancient Healing Modalities from Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Energy healing and customized based on the degree and extent of that specific medical condition. It also includes a holistic nutritional and diet approach to minimize or prevent further progress of disease. If the treatment program is followed properly, same could be helpful to sustain the healthy status.

Aura Energy Reading & Consultation
WOW introduces state-of-art AuraCloud 3D camera, an enlightening tool that will give you detailed and easy-to-read visualizations of your aura-energy channels...

Relax and Rejuvenate
The program aims to work at the cellular level to bring about harmony between the body, mind and Soul. A program that cleanses and detoxifies the body and skin, inside out.

Weight Management Program
WOW’s Weight Loss Program is not a quick fix solution for losing a few kilograms, but, a more sustainable holistic approach that is more long lasting and easy on the body and mind.

Detox and Destress
Detoxify the body and mind, intrinsically through a combination of spiritual healing, Ayurvedic Panchakarma, Yogic Shatkarma, fresh juice detox and alternative, traditional healing modalities.

Sleep Well Retreat
The Sleep Well therapeutic program is a customized solution that addresses the causes of disturbed sleep with holistic modalities to enjoy the refreshing experience of sound, quality sleep.

Introvert to Extrovert
Self-Expression is the key to success in personal and professional life. Unblock the limiting factors of the mind and emotions to communicate assertively.

Corporate Wellness Programs
To redefine the relationship between the stake holders and employees to that of mutual care and concern through meaningful wellness engagements for a better work life.

Holistic Psychotherapy
New Code NLP, Holistic Psychotherapy and RTT aim to address any issues of the mind and emotions through 1:1 private sessions. Never let your mind become the greatest obstacle to success.
About Mr. & Mrs Kalani
Kalani Lal, an entrepreneur and a visionary, is a professional Investment Banker with over 20 years of experience in Banking & Finance. Being an accomplished Banker, he attained various accolades in the field of Finance & Real Estate. Mr. Kalani is well reputed in the banking circles of Middle East & India. It was only after tasting the epitome of success, did he realize that wealth cannot buy health, and that, the foundation of success and basis of happiness in life, is only good health.

WOW Philosophy

WOW Motto
Wellness Programs


For Women with Women

Holistic Psychotherapy Package

Infertility Program

Corporate Wellness Program

Weight Balance

Pregnancy Care

Destress Retreat Program

Sleep Well Retreat

Medical Package


Weight Balance

Destress Retreat Program

Sleep Well Retreat

Health Condition Packages

For Women with Women

Infertility Program

Pregnancy Care

Holistic Psychotherapy Package

Corporate Wellness Program
WOW Retail

Yoga Teacher Training

Meditation Mastery & Yoga for beginners

Aerial Yoga Teacher Training
50- & 100-hours certification course over 25 to 30 days with 2 to 3 hours of daily training.

Reiki Teacher Training
Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique to cleanse and to channelize Chi (vital energy) in our energy sheath.

Certified Theta Healing Courses
The Basic DNA introduces the Theta Healing techniques and focuses on...

Certified Numerology Courses
Numerology Numbers 1 to 9 Positive & negative aspects of the numbers
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