Certified Numerology Courses

5 most important numbers in life

Fate Number; Life Path Number; Name Number; Personality Number; Soul

Day 2 –Advance course

  • Special Letters in Your Name
  • Personal Year Number
  • The Karmic Lessons
  • The Karmic Debts
  • The Period Cycles
  • The Pinnacle Cycles
  • The Challenges
  • Numerology and Colors
  • Numerology and Jewels and Gems
  • Numerology and Herbs

Day 3 –The Insight of Angelic and Compatibility Numbers

  • Relationship Compatibility meaning in Numerology
  • Angel Numerology
  • Home Numerology
  • Business Compatibility

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    Wealth of Wellness
    Opening Hours

    We’re open all days 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

    Monday to Friday Closed
    Saturday Closed
    Sunday Closed