Our Team
Wealth of Wellness
WOW aims to heal a person from a three dimensional aspect, Body, Mind and Soul. Wealth of Wellness is a first-of- its-kind multi-faceted Wellness Retreat in the heart of Jumeirah, Dubai, providing a Fusion of Therapies and proven Techniques for your holistic health and wellbeing. Our endeavor is to address to the wellbeing of the Body, Mind and Soul through Alternative and Traditional Healing Modalities for preventive health care or existing bodily issues.
Kalani Lal
An entrepreneur and a visionary, is a professional Investment Banker with over 20 years of experience in Banking & Finance. Being an accomplished Banker, he attained various accolades in the field of Finance & Real Estate.
Kavita Kalani
Co-founder WOW, has been the soul behind Mr. Lal’s success. From facing critical health conditions at an early age to having a sound & healthier life, she has witnessed it all and managed to overcome daunting odds, leading us to a positive mindset of “Eat healthy, Workout regularly & Meditate equally along with maintaining a healthy & positive attitude.”
Naresh Devnani
Naresh owns a unique world of spiritual healing & wellbeing via the many forms of meditation...
Dr. M F Sameer
A Holistic Psychotherapist, Research Scholar in Psychology and Parapsychological sciences, Energy...
Tara Dixit Yoga Instructor
ara is a professional Yoga instructor with over 5 years of experience in the wellness industry. Her love for ...
Loubett Molato
She’s been in the fitness industry for over 7 years. Prior to that, she participated in sports such as Volleyball,..
Ella Zheteyeva
I aim to live a yogic lifestyle and guide beautiful souls to inner balance,
peace and confidence Wellness...
Dr. Mina (Ph.D in Food Engineering) has been practicing pranic healing and meditation for more...
Gulneet Chadha
Certified Therapist-EMDR | Licensed Hypnotherapist | Mental Health Author & Keynote Speaker
Pari Sagar
Her clients are from all walks of life. and her aim is to help them grow and blossom into their fullest...
Mehr Hingorani
She had a perpetual interest in occult science and was inquisitive enough to get into the how, when, why