W.O.W Practitioner

Tarot Reading:

he had a perpetual interest in occult science and was inquisitive enough to get into the how, when,why, and what lies ‘beyond the known’. She started her spiritual journey by connecting with the magical world of Tarot in November 2019. Her world changed and she took a leap of faith and guidance. The more she worked with the cards the more clarity she got with her life path.

Merlin Trinity Healing System (MTHS) :

This system, channeled by Mark Anup Karlsson encompasses 5 levels of ascension, in which she is on level 3rd. Merlin being the master magician of all times, his power and energy creates and balances the universe in the most extraordinary way. His symbols are magical and powerful, which she can attune people with during their healing. I have been a certified trainer for MTHS.

Crystal Healing/Pendulum:

After being submerged in merlin healing she got attracted towards crystals. She learnt the basics of crystal healing and Pendulum from Terry Manchanda, in Mumbai, India.

Bach Flower Therapy:

One’s emotional health is of paramount importance as we navigate in this chaotic world. Bach flowers help in not only restoring mental health, it also helps in reducing stress, anxiety, unknown fears etc.

Access Consciousness:

In this gamut of amazing healing modalities, access consciousness stood out for her the most. Not only it helped her shift her perception, it catapulted her whole life to a higher level. She learnt Bars and did her foundation in Mumbai, India in July 2020 with Dr. Ashish Narayankar. She is a certified bar facilitator.

During her access consciousness journey, she also learned

  • Access facelift
It helps in tightening, regenerating and brings back the glow on your face and body.
  • Talk to the entities
I can do house, land, property cleansing and clearings
  • Access Body Process

It helps release and shift aliments and stuck energies from your body.

Body whispering:

“Body Whispering” is the healing modality by Dr. Adeela Afiz. This healing connects you with the elements of nature/mother earth to heal and unblock the patterns we have created in our own lives.
Monday to Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed