Vedic Birthday and Baby Shower

  • Deep Daan
    The second activity at the birthday/baby shower ceremony is Deep Daan ritual.Instead of blowing off the candles we light up the diyas. This special ritual is organized to show The Light to the Birthday Person/Baby for his/her future life and impart the courage to face challenges with determination. The ideology behind this ritual being,“No matter how many challenges are encountered in the path of life, one should stay still and bright like a lamp in each and every situation”
  • Tulsi sappling plantation
  • Birthday blessings
  • Holistic healthy food
  • Sound Healing Meditation Session
  • We can customize the event..

Purpose of Vedic Birthday Celebration

  • To bring peace and prosperity
  • Bless family and friends with intense joy
  • To minimize evil effect of the 9 planets
  • Protection against evil
  • Purify the negative karma and protect our life
  • To have a healthy mind and good spirit

Drop us a line

    Wealth of Wellness
    Opening Hours

    We’re open all days 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

    Monday to Friday Closed
    Saturday Closed
    Sunday Closed