W.O.W Practitioner

In 2008, she was seeing number sequence everywhere. This was giving her a sign to research Numerology which was the vibration of Chaldean. Living in cosmopolitan energies of UAE, where you have people coming from different walks of life, Pythagorean Numerology matched the cosmopolitan vibration with ease.
Her study helped her to reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies of her life, as an integral part of the cosmic plan. It has helped her and her clients to improve the vibration of numbers used in the name, auspicious dates, addresses, business names, inauguration dates and lots more. By using numerology methods, the positive results have proven a good way of bringing certain changes in an individual’s life.
She believes that she can help others by sharing her knowledge of self-healing through Art and different modalities of energy healing. As the human body is a made up of 3 component – body, mind, and soul corresponding our three needs – health, knowledge and inner peace. Health is a physical need, knowledge is our psychological need and inner peace is the spiritual need; when all three needs are met it brings in harmony.
Learning different modalities of healing helped her to gain knowledge by listening to the vibrations around and within her space and the changes that are taking place. By being and teaching how to be clairvoyant, has helped her and her clients from different walks of life to discover their own journey.
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