
Yoga Teacher Training

WOW conducts 4 weeks, 200 Hrs. Yoga Alliance Teacher training program.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Learn from The Himalayan Master Yogi...

Aerial Yoga Teacher Training

100 hours certification course over 28 days with 3 hours of daily training.

Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki Teacher Training

Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique to cleanse and to channelize Chi (vital energy)...

Certified Theta Healing Courses

Certified Theta Healing Courses

The Basic DNA introduces the Theta Healing techniques and focuses on...

Certified Numerology

Certified Numerology Courses

Numerology Numbers 1 to 9
Positive & negative aspects of the numbers

Monday to Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed